Dermal Filler

Dermal fillers are a widely used cosmetic treatment that reduces signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loose, sagging skin. This injectable treatment is available at many wellness clinics and medical day spas, and may also be offered by clinics that offer plastic and cosmetic surgeries. Continue reading to learn more about how dermal fillers work and whether this treatment could help you achieve a more youthful appearance.

What Is a Dermal Filler?

A dermal filler is an injectable cosmetic treatment that plumps the face to restore volume in areas where skin may be loose or sagging. The effects of dermal fillers may also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by loose skin and aging. Many men and women seek this treatment to achieve fuller, younger-looking skin.

Dermal fillers usually contain ingredients that add hydration back to the skin, or that help the skin make new elastin and collagen that contribute to a younger-looking appearance. Hyaluronic acid is a common ingredient in dermal fillers used to plump the skin, along with a substance called polylactic acid that increases the skin’s natural collagen production. Dr. Wermeling can recommend the best dermal filler for you based on your skin condition.

What Can Dermal Fillers Treat?

Dermal fillers are mainly used to restore volume to areas of skin on the face, neck, and jaw that may be loose or sagging. They can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

Dermal fillers can be used to treat and improve:

  • Mild lines and wrinkles
  • Recessed scars
  • Shallow contours
  • Contour irregularities
  • Thin lips
  • Under-eye shadows

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

Each type of dermal filler works differently depending on the formula you choose.

Hyaluronic acid fillers (Juvéderm, Restylane) are used to improve facial contouring and recessed lines or scars. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps keep your connective tissues moist and lubricated. These dermal fillers can be used to restore moisture in the face and plump the skin.

Polylactic acid (Sculptra) stimulates your body’s natural collagen production to make your skin look smoother and younger. Dermal fillers with polylactic acid can reduce the appearance of laugh lines and make thin lips look fuller.

What Happens During a Dermal Filler Treatment?

Dermal filler treatments usually last no more than 30 to 45 minutes, as it involves receiving a series of tiny injections into the areas of your face you want treated. This cosmetic treatment is minimally invasive, produces minimal discomfort, and offers no downtime. You can resume most usual activities immediately following treatment.

First, Dr. Wermeling will assess your face and appearance to determine the areas that need to be treated. Various parts of your face may be marked to ensure the injections are accurately placed where they can produce the most noticeable results. Then, he will clean your face using an antibacterial agent to reduce the risk of infection and administer the injections using a fine, tiny needle. Dr. Wermeling routinely uses a numbing cream to help ease the initial discomfort of injection.

In some cases, a small blunt cannula can be used in place of a needle. This can help limit the risk of injection into the small blood vessels around the face.

After your injections, you will get an ice pack to the treated areas to reduce any swelling or discomfort. Your face may feel tender in some spots for up to 24 hours. You may experience some minor bruising and swelling in the face, along with temporary numbness, though these symptoms usually resolve within several hours.

Who Are Ideal Candidates for Dermal Filler Treatment?

Dermal filler treatment is ideal for nearly any man or woman who wants to improve their appearance and turn back the clock to feel and look more youthful.

Ideal candidates for this treatment are typically in good physical health, do not smoke, and are committed to caring for their skin and maintaining the results of their procedure. Ideal candidates must also have realistic expectations regarding what dermal fillers can and cannot do for their overall appearance.

If you’re not sure whether dermal fillers are ideal for you, contact a F. Ryan Wermeling, MD to receive an evaluation and consultation.